my main acount
this acount is made for all abandoned projects of kill4peace, "kill4peace.newgroun ds.com".
i stopped working on all projects in here... some are songs i dont like enough to have them on my main site.
i might still continue on these songs, but probebly not, or use parts of these songs (like sounds in it, the melody, bassline or whatever part i might use for my other projects)
i wanted to clean up my main acount from some bad sounding (unfinished) songs for some time already
but i dicided to put those on a different acount because i want people to be able to enjoy all my songs (even those that i only uploaded to show i was still active)
some of these projects are not so bad... but i yust want a clean acount for the songs im proud of
ill be checking this acount regulairy too
and ill probebly upload some demos later in here too
if i know for sure that a demo has great potential and im still planning to use it then it will be uploaded at my main acount... also if i have a demo that sounds really great then it will be on my main acount
also all new songs i upload here will be in the news of my main acount
all uploads on my main acount will be in the news of this acount
in other words
here are some of my demos... if you like them, then im sorry to say that i probebly wont finish it
if you like these songs... then you probebly like the songs and demos on my main acount even more